A visual mindmap of Generative AI

Generative AI has been so incredibily fast rising in 2023. You really may stumble in a new model, tool, app, use case literally every other day.

While it is nice to have several options in your landscape, as someone once said - “having too options is like having none”.
Here is why I tried to group the most popular AI models currently available, visualizing them in a mindmap that maybe can help you understand what is what, how it is accessibile and the (sometimes surprising) uses of each one.

In time, check back this page often, as it will be continuously updated and also completely interactive: every node will lead you to an explanation link (internal or directly to the source of the project or vendor).

Dare to navigate the continuously expanding sea of Generative AI? You can start here and now! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Last update: March 19, 2024
